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class sklearn.decomposition.ProjectedGradientNMF(n_components=None, init=None, sparseness=None, beta=1, eta=0.1, tol=0.0001, max_iter=200, nls_max_iter=2000, random_state=None)

Non-Negative matrix factorization by Projected Gradient (NMF)

Parameters :

n_components : int or None

Number of components, if n_components is not set all components are kept

init : ‘nndsvd’ | ‘nndsvda’ | ‘nndsvdar’ | ‘random’

Method used to initialize the procedure. Default: ‘nndsvdar’ if n_components < n_features, otherwise random. Valid options:

'nndsvd': Nonnegative Double Singular Value Decomposition (NNDSVD)
    initialization (better for sparseness)
'nndsvda': NNDSVD with zeros filled with the average of X
    (better when sparsity is not desired)
'nndsvdar': NNDSVD with zeros filled with small random values
    (generally faster, less accurate alternative to NNDSVDa
    for when sparsity is not desired)
'random': non-negative random matrices

sparseness : ‘data’ | ‘components’ | None, default: None

Where to enforce sparsity in the model.

beta : double, default: 1

Degree of sparseness, if sparseness is not None. Larger values mean more sparseness.

eta : double, default: 0.1

Degree of correctness to maintain, if sparsity is not None. Smaller values mean larger error.

tol : double, default: 1e-4

Tolerance value used in stopping conditions.

max_iter : int, default: 200

Number of iterations to compute.

nls_max_iter : int, default: 2000

Number of iterations in NLS subproblem.

random_state : int or RandomState

Random number generator seed control.


This implements

C.-J. Lin. Projected gradient methods for non-negative matrix factorization. Neural Computation, 19(2007), 2756-2779.

P. Hoyer. Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Sparseness Constraints. Journal of Machine Learning Research 2004.

NNDSVD is introduced in

C. Boutsidis, E. Gallopoulos: SVD based initialization: A head start for nonnegative matrix factorization - Pattern Recognition, 2008


>>> import numpy as np
>>> X = np.array([[1,1], [2, 1], [3, 1.2], [4, 1], [5, 0.8], [6, 1]])
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import ProjectedGradientNMF
>>> model = ProjectedGradientNMF(n_components=2, init='random',
...                              random_state=0)
ProjectedGradientNMF(beta=1, eta=0.1, init='random', max_iter=200,
        n_components=2, nls_max_iter=2000, random_state=0, sparseness=None,
>>> model.components_
array([[ 0.77032744,  0.11118662],
       [ 0.38526873,  0.38228063]])
>>> model.reconstruction_err_ 
>>> model = ProjectedGradientNMF(n_components=2,
...              sparseness='components', init='random', random_state=0)
ProjectedGradientNMF(beta=1, eta=0.1, init='random', max_iter=200,
            n_components=2, nls_max_iter=2000, random_state=0,
            sparseness='components', tol=0.0001)
>>> model.components_
array([[ 1.67481991,  0.29614922],
       [ 0.        ,  0.4681982 ]])
>>> model.reconstruction_err_ 


components_ array, [n_components, n_features] Non-negative components of the data.
reconstruction_err_ number Frobenius norm of the matrix difference between the training data and the reconstructed data from the fit produced by the model. || X - WH ||_2


fit(X[, y]) Learn a NMF model for the data X.
fit_transform(X[, y]) Learn a NMF model for the data X and returns the transformed data.
get_params([deep]) Get parameters for this estimator.
set_params(**params) Set the parameters of this estimator.
transform(X) Transform the data X according to the fitted NMF model
__init__(n_components=None, init=None, sparseness=None, beta=1, eta=0.1, tol=0.0001, max_iter=200, nls_max_iter=2000, random_state=None)
fit(X, y=None, **params)

Learn a NMF model for the data X.

Parameters :

X: {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] :

Data matrix to be decomposed

Returns :

self :

fit_transform(X, y=None)

Learn a NMF model for the data X and returns the transformed data.

This is more efficient than calling fit followed by transform.

Parameters :

X: {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] :

Data matrix to be decomposed

Returns :

data: array, [n_samples, n_components] :

Transformed data


Get parameters for this estimator.

Parameters :

deep: boolean, optional :

If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.

Returns :

params : mapping of string to any

Parameter names mapped to their values.


Set the parameters of this estimator.

The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects (such as pipelines). The former have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each component of a nested object.

Returns :self :

Transform the data X according to the fitted NMF model

Parameters :

X: {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] :

Data matrix to be transformed by the model

Returns :

data: array, [n_samples, n_components] :

Transformed data
